NK 6:0:18 Fortified With Calcium Magnesium & Boron (Suspension) (Royal Traders)
Price: ₹425.00
KATRA NANO SUSPENSION FERTILIZER 6:0:18 is highly concentrated NPK foliar fertilizers for the supplementary nutrition of
all crops to prevent or control the occurrence of latent and acute deficiencies in general.
Its nutrient content is basically comparable to that of general compound fertilizer and higher than that of clear liquid fertilizer.
This Water soluble formulation contains 6 % Nitrogen and 18 % Potash with Calcium, Magnesium & Boron.
It effectively fulfills crop nitrogen and potash requirement, increases leaf photosynthesis, root biomass, effective tillers & branches.
It contains several trace elements with adequate concentrations, which will support the plant’s strength in the early stages of growth.
It is a homogeneous suspension fertilizer produced from premium quality raw material without impurities. It is a multipurpose formula for general growth.
It encourages healthy vegetative, green growth. It also play important role in formation of amino acid,
it is important in the growth and development of vital plant tissues and chlorophyll.
It involved in starch and ATP production. The production of ATP can regulate the rate of photosynthesis.
Help plants to grow better. It is responsible for holding together the cell walls.
It is essential throughout the whole growth period of a plant and supporting the function to absorb sunlight during photosynthesis.
it is also needed for cell division and protein formation. Regulating plants’ hormone levels and promoting proper growth.
It increases flower production and retention, pollen tube elongation and germination, and seed and fruit development.
KATRA NANO SUSPENSION FERTILIZER 6:0:18 is highly concentrated NPK foliar fertilizers for the supplementary nutrition of
all crops to prevent or control the occu
Usage & Crops
a crops it is recommended for all Crops like Cereals, Vegetable, top fruits, spices and medicinal crop etc
b. Mode of action (