Price: ₹355.00
KATRA FERT LIQUID CONSORTIA consist three types of bacteria has highly beneficial for soil-fertility management, integrated diseases management, nutrient Management,
pest management and biological nitrogen fixation activity is able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen,
solubilizes phosphate and potash into available form, thereby providing balanced nutrition to the crops thus making
all three of these essential nutrients available to the plant in a readily, available form. It has the unique ability to enrich the soil with Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash.
Imparts resistance against insect pests and diseases and against plant pathogens like Alternaria, Helminthosporium and Fusarium.
Helps to reduce environmental pollution and the high costs, which result from chemical fertilizers usage and its residues.
Fortifies the soil with bacterial metabolites & are cheap and easy to handle.
Have the ability to fix, solubilize, mobilise and cause uptake of NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS and POTASSIUM.
Crops-It is recommended for all crops like Paddy, Wheat, Millets, Cotton, Tomato, Cabbage, Mustard, Safflower
and Sunflower Alfalfa, Beans, Clover, Carob, Chickpeas, Lentils, Lupins, Mesquite, Peanuts, Peas, Soybeans, Tamarind, Mimosa etc.
Nitrogen fixation activity is able to synthesize/assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphate and potash into available form.
Dosage (per liter and per acre)*250 ml Per Acre