Ø  Jowar is the most important food and fodder crop of dry land agriculture.

Ø  Jowar is important as food and as fodder for livestock.

Ø  Jowar is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world after wheat, maize, rice and barley.

Ø  Jowar is adapted to hot and dry climates, but the largest area of ​​the crop is cultivated in drought-prone regions of the world.

Ø  In these areas, sorghum is usually grown in conditions of scanty rainfall, low soil fertility with limited inputs, and a wide range of diseases and pest problems.

Ø  Feeding as food in poultry farming


1] Sowing time -

Kharif - June to July

Zayed :- February to March

2] Seed rate - 4 to 6 kg per acre

3] Spacing - 60 cm × 15 cm or 45 cm × 15 cm

4] Irrigation - Weekly interval as per requirement

5] Application of fertilizers (per acre)


Per acre


15 t/ acre

Urea [46-0-0]

60 Kg


40 Kg


40 Kg


10 Kg


Stem fly

Stem borer

Grain mould


Leaf blight


Downy mildew




Days Stage Solution Potential Disease Potential Pest
15 - 20 Seedling stage

Bavistin Captan in 1:1 ratio @ 2 to 3 g/kg of seed.

Katra Nano NPK 19-19-19 @ 200 gm per acre + Micronutrient containing microgold 2 gm/Litre water + Saaf  powder (Carbendazim 12% Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 2 gm/Ltr of water + Acetamipride 20% @ 1gm/Litre

Seed and seedling rot

White fly, aphid

30 - 45 Vegetative growth stage

Katra Nano Mono Ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0) @200 g/acre + Flamingo (Emamectin Benzoate 3% Thiamethoxam 12% SG) 0.5 to 1 g/Lit of water + Fungus-G 1.5 g/Lit of water

Leaf blight, downy mildew

white fly, stem fly, caterpillar

55 - 65 Tasseling stage

Katra Nano NPK Potassium Nitrate 00-52-34 @200 gm per acre + Zincotek (Zinc Oxide 39.5%) @ 2 ml/l of water + Banlarva (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG) 4 gm/10 ltr of water + Bayer Foliar (Tebuconazole 25.5%) @ 1-1.5 ml / l of water

Powdery Mildew, Rust, Leaf Blight

Stem fly, Stem borer, Green mosquito, Worm

80 -85 Milking stage

Katra Nano Potassium Phosphate 0-52-34@200gm per acre + Isabion Tonic (Sygenta) 300ml + Bayer Vaygo (Tetraniliprol 200SC) @100 gm per acre + Neem Extract Azadirachtin 1000 ppm EC 1.7ml/Lit of water

Ergut, Anthracnose, Rust, Leaf Blight

Stem fly, ear head bug

100 - 115 Maturity stage

Sygenta Ampligo (Chloentraniliprole 10% Lambdacyhalothrin 5%) 80 ml per acre + Bayer Antracol @ 2g/Lit of water + Neembean 1000 ppm EC 1.7 ml/Lit of water

Grain mold, Anthracnose,

Leaf  Blight, Tidal Smut, Argut

Ear head bug, leaf borer, semilooper

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